
Just called out for the first time

I’ve never called out before. I’m always on time, follow the rules to a T, and have everything ready for the morning shift. I had to text the call out because I learned my granddad died (whole other story) but I want to be there tomorrow for my mom. My anxiety is through the fucking roof. I literally feel my face turning tomato red while I sit here thinking about it. How am I supposed to do anything for my own well-being if I get an anxiety attack just thinking about my manager’s reaction?

I’ve never called out before. I’m always on time, follow the rules to a T, and have everything ready for the morning shift. I had to text the call out because I learned my granddad died (whole other story) but I want to be there tomorrow for my mom.

My anxiety is through the fucking roof. I literally feel my face turning tomato red while I sit here thinking about it. How am I supposed to do anything for my own well-being if I get an anxiety attack just thinking about my manager’s reaction?

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