
Just found out my former manager who bullied me out of a previous job was made redundant

I won't lie, I feel on top of the world right now. I know that sounds cruel but she really deserved what came to her. For context it was 6 years ago when i worked for a retail chain opticians. The job sucked anyway but I didn't mind it for what it was. I admit I made some mistakes but I was new to the role and was still learning everything yet I was pushed out of it after just 3 months. The practice I worked in was all female (not being sexist but it certainly didn't help) aside from the one optician they had yet he was also a capital asshole. But a few things: I was expected to know how to use their outdated 1950s style computer system to dispense prescriptions, I'm talking a fallout 3 style computer system here and it was so easy to make errors…

I won't lie, I feel on top of the world right now. I know that sounds cruel but she really deserved what came to her. For context it was 6 years ago when i worked for a retail chain opticians. The job sucked anyway but I didn't mind it for what it was.

I admit I made some mistakes but I was new to the role and was still learning everything yet I was pushed out of it after just 3 months. The practice I worked in was all female (not being sexist but it certainly didn't help) aside from the one optician they had yet he was also a capital asshole. But a few things:

I was expected to know how to use their outdated 1950s style computer system to dispense prescriptions, I'm talking a fallout 3 style computer system here and it was so easy to make errors on it.

I was expected to know how to use without error a 30 year old fields testing machine alongside a machine that measured prescriptions in each lense. Couple this with having to pressure and push elderly people through a “pre-screen” in under 5 minutes… have the perfect recipe for disaster for a newcomer.

Anyhow, the manager was always on my case and yet when any other employee made an error it was just laughed off, I felt singled out from this. The manager also personally told me that I shouldn't be going home and doing “nothing” I should be doing my online training and portfolio. Bare in mind the practice was dead for 4 hours most days yet I was made to “clean some frames” in that time whilst all the women stood around and chatted. I could have been doing my training no? Go figure!

I was pulled into the office one day when allegedly the assistant manager (who did not like me one bit and made that clear) said I has left some records out which I hadn't I put them in a drawer to which the assistant manger went “not until I asked you to” I felt defeated and worthless at this point then they both proceeded to verbally shut me down and ridicule me about everything I was doing wrong like a pincer attack. I felt utterly helpless and I legit almost went out of that office crying. Pathetic right? Well that's how I felt.

They then told me bitterly that they were extending my “probation” (I'm from the UK so things a little different in regards to at will employment in America) but it was clear she wanted me gone but couldn't get rid of me straight away. So I saved her the hassle and handed my notice in following day and surprise surprise she insisted it's effective immediately rather than two weeks.

So there I was, back to square one broke jobless homeless and destitute and I could picture her smiling and laughing about it. That's literally how she was.

Fast forward to just today and I see a tagged post on social media from a friend of mine who shared something and it was from that said manager. Turns out she was made redundant from her job a few years after I left. Rumours circulated that the turnover of new male staff was abrupt and frequent so I'm not sure if that had something to do with it but I'm pretty certain from my experience.

Anyway I feel amazing right now, fate has always protected me like this and people who have wronged me always get their come uppance somehow. I just feel like I'm a patient winner of sorts.

I'm off for a beer and some pizza!!!

Have a great day all!!!

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