
Just found out the retail store mangers who fired me for reporting them to corporate are getting sued because a rape happened.

i took a job at a major retail big box store, while there management overlooked all sorts of sexual impropriety involving young girls and female minors. i reported it to corporate and corporate came down busted their asses and then local management turned around and cut my hours to zero so i had to quit and my life has went to shit since. i have now been notified by one of the people i worked with and a person fired in my wake because i taught them how to game the ethics complaint system that the store is being sued and it impacts me. the store and the managers i turned in are being sued because the people i reported continued to ignore the sexual misconduct and a seventeen year old girl was raped by an older coworker in his mid twenties. the coworker also told me to be prepared…

i took a job at a major retail big box store, while there management overlooked all sorts of sexual impropriety involving young girls and female minors. i reported it to corporate and corporate came down busted their asses and then local management turned around and cut my hours to zero so i had to quit and my life has went to shit since.

i have now been notified by one of the people i worked with and a person fired in my wake because i taught them how to game the ethics complaint system that the store is being sued and it impacts me. the store and the managers i turned in are being sued because the people i reported continued to ignore the sexual misconduct and a seventeen year old girl was raped by an older coworker in his mid twenties. the coworker also told me to be prepared to be subpoenaed because the girls family somehow found out about my complaints from two years ago and will most likely want to depose me.

so here i am floundering because of this and it comes back into my life possibly to screw me some more. can they literally do this? i worked at the “happy place retail place” for a year and a half and then got fired for doing the right thing. can i be forced to participate in this?

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