
Just found out the salary of another Manager after an HR slip. I do his job AND mine.

Good Morning, All I hope that today finds you and your loved ones as safe and healthy as possible. I apologize for the length but as I'm hoping for advice I thought it would be best to give as much detail as possible. Grab some cocoa and if you need a bathroom break, have at it. I'm on mobile if that matters. The Issue: It's yearly evaluation time and HR botched sending out the results of our evaluation by sending me a manager in my department's instead of mine. Our last names follow one another in the alphabet with the same first initial – this M. Adams and M. Addams. I found out todaythat not only does he make considerably more than I do having done less work, but he has claimed 4 of MY projects as his own and received a 10k bonus for it. Some Background: We work…

Good Morning, All

I hope that today finds you and your loved ones as safe and healthy as possible. I apologize for the length but as I'm hoping for advice I thought it would be best to give as much detail as possible. Grab some cocoa and if you need a bathroom break, have at it. I'm on mobile if that matters.

The Issue: It's yearly evaluation time and HR botched sending out the results of our evaluation by sending me a manager in my department's instead of mine. Our last names follow one another in the alphabet with the same first initial – this M. Adams and M. Addams. I found out todaythat not only does he make considerably more than I do having done less work, but he has claimed 4 of MY projects as his own and received a 10k bonus for it.

Some Background: We work in health care and with a very sensitive, very public population. This population requires constant monitoring and report building to make sure that no one falls through the cracks. It's a Government program that has been in the news a lot since 2014. This contract is typically divided between two companies so that if one goes down, the entire program doesn't crash. That is exactly what happened. There was a company before ours that had this contract but lost it due to how many of their clients went without care and the amount of providers that didn't get paid. Where the money went is still being investigated federally. The other company took temporary guardianship over our now territory, allowing us time to build whatever network we needed and become accustomed to the policies and procedures.

We're now 2 years into the contract and the other company (oversees the Western half of the country) has completely backed off. My role is to build the network, the other manager's role is to have his staff appoint care on behalf of the client. We both work for the same company.

The problem is that he is completely incompetent in his role. He's a fantastic salesman! His ability to convince others of his competency and manipulate others to thinking his failings were their fault is how he got the job. He is shit leader. He's a boss. He doesn't understand the systems and won't learn them. He doesn't run reports because he says he doesn't have time. He also can't explain them because “You already know what you're looking at, why explain it?” He barks orders to his Supervisors who do all of escalations that he's supposed to oversee. Half of Supervisors run AMUCK, clocking in a disappearing, and the majority of the appointing staff is even worse. There about 10 appointing reps who know what they're doing and they are being overwhelmed with cases that the others are neglecting. One woman was taken out in an ambulance because she thought she was having a heart attack.

As I mentioned, my role is provider network building. I write contracts, credential, and update data. In a previous role with another company I had his job and this is widely known. His staff will come to me with questions, not him. They'll tell me whatever area the network has a gap and I find them providers. I read the return reports and forecast projections, allowing me to stay ahead of the demand 9/10 times. I have a great relationship with my network and if I need a favor, I can ask one and the client can get seen right away.

The Reports: If there isn't a report for the data I need, I build it. I then produce “white papers” on the reports and decks for presentation. I decided to find out why his team was struggling so hard appointing even the easiest of cases, though it isnt my job remotely. It took me all of 5 seconds to figure it out after pulling the numbers.

Instead of hanging these people out to dry (I would never!), I met with them 1×1, on my own time, and trained them properly. I gave them resources that I built where they can do 8 hours worth of work in 3. The difference was immediate. I then helped them when the time came to draft their evaluation to show them in the best light and helped them argue for higher wages. All successful; so far i havent heard of a single person not pulling in more money. I'm the shadow Manager of that team in addition to my own job. That was my mistake. I wanted to help out the employees, make their lives easier, and shot myself in the foot.

Now Manager X has a 10k bonus because of the turnaround on his team and thanks to his impeccable reporting, the company was able to save time and money, giving him another 10k as a thank you. 20k in total. I don't know if he's aware that I have his evaluation, but I am seething.

I want to go to our shared department head and say something. I have the receipts to do it – the reports, the trainings, all the emails. I'll admit that I'm uncomfortable doing this. I'm a great advocate for everyone but myself. I'm in therapy for it. It's a lifelong problem due to parentification. Saying “No” made me a monster and not helping out made me selfish in my home. It was my responsibility to care for everyone, parents included.

So I'm writing this for advice.. anyone who has been through something similar or who might be able to help me both explain the situation and demand equal compensation would be much appreciated. I know I'm an idiot and that my hard work benefits the company and the other manager at my expense. I just can't stand watching an employee have a mental breakdown when a couple hours of my time and resources can make their job damn near automated, allowing them to do minimal work and get paid their full 8.

If you got this far, I appreciate it and any helpful insights you can give to my dumb ass self.

Edit 1: Added that we both work for the same company. Thank you for the catch!

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