
Just got a raise, beyond expectation, above and beyond with leadership, team, and customers. 4% raise.

As the title says. For context if you met 75% of your goals and just that you get a 3% raise. If you do the bare minimum you get 3%. If you work your butt off you get 4%, in my case 90 cents or 75 bucks extra a month. This may sound like a lot or very little to who hears it but with the financial traps the world and I myself put me in, it's not enough obviously. I am to blame on some of my spending are we not all? I have a debt to pay off school, I took out loans to get a car because if you didn't have one where I was from originally then you wouldn't have a job nor anything for that matter. We all have our own pitfalls to maneuver around in our own environments that we cannot always come out…

As the title says. For context if you met 75% of your goals and just that you get a 3% raise. If you do the bare minimum you get 3%. If you work your butt off you get 4%, in my case 90 cents or 75 bucks extra a month.

This may sound like a lot or very little to who hears it but with the financial traps the world and I myself put me in, it's not enough obviously. I am to blame on some of my spending are we not all? I have a debt to pay off school, I took out loans to get a car because if you didn't have one where I was from originally then you wouldn't have a job nor anything for that matter. We all have our own pitfalls to maneuver around in our own environments that we cannot always come out unschathed.

So all this being said… anyone looking for an IT remote help desk analyst 5 years experience lead experience as well? My number one skill is customer service next to understanding how to search and use SQL (Self taught through work). Became head of department in my last job in the short time of 3 months and can pick things up really quickly.

This is not begging here, I am just not going to use the “pick yourself up by the bootstraps” mentality and just ask for help to get out of this messed up world. I'm tired, I have skills, I have an education, I've done everything needed to succeed and yet here I am at the top of the bottom of the barrel cause I don't have the connections, the knowledge, the acceptance, the nepotism, the disregard to other humans suffering, needed to get higher up in this world.

I can't stand seeing my fellow co-workers be told that they are doing a difference and they are seeing it then just slapped right back to there face when it comes to put a momentary value to it. They know, they all know and I am tired of seeing all these friends and coworkers trying their hardest and then that pain on their face in knowing that it doesn't matter and that you are being exploited. I don't even know how to slack off in this job so I am just looking for somewhere were my work ethic is actually taken seriously that or paid more cause thats what really it comes down to when you give us nothing else.

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