
Just got an interview for job . What do I tell them if I they ask me why I’m leaving my current apprenticeship?

Just got an interview for a pharmacy role . It’s the same thing I do now. The reason I’m leaving my current one is A. I’m extremely behind in my off the job training . My supervisor doesn’t seem to want to train me anything . B. My co workers are toxic , one Particular co worker loves picking on me for my mistakes when he’s aware I’ve had no training . C. Current workplace is too far away and the buses are terrible and overpriced This new job is much closer so I won’t need to waste my time with rude bus drivers . They also went into detail on the job description about teaching off The job training . They also pay more whilst teaching me the same qualification I’m supposed to be learning right now. I earn below min wage right now . Thing is , I’m…

Just got an interview for a pharmacy role . It’s the same thing I do now. The reason I’m leaving my current one is A. I’m extremely behind in my off the job training . My supervisor doesn’t seem to want to train me anything . B. My co workers are toxic , one Particular co worker loves picking on me for my mistakes when he’s aware I’ve had no training . C. Current workplace is too far away and the buses are terrible and overpriced

This new job is much closer so I won’t need to waste my time with rude bus drivers . They also went into detail on the job description about teaching off
The job training . They also pay more whilst teaching me the same qualification I’m supposed to be learning right now. I earn below min wage right now .

Thing is , I’m wondering what should I tell them if they ask me why I’m leaving this one ? I want to say ‘because they aren’t teaching me anything ‘ but what if they think I’m bad mouthing them therefore they will think ill bad mouth their company so they won’t accept me ?

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