
Just got fired for the first time! After working at a place for a month and falling sick for a week

Title basically says it all. I havent been fired in my adult life outside of my very very first job so it really came as a shock! I had been there for less than a month but the past week I fell really ill with strep and had to stay home. Ended up going in on Monday and being fired because they think I'm not technically competent. They also fucked up my payroll and wrote me a cheque that ended up getting my bank account frozen and I called them on the weekend in a panic which they probably didn't like either but hey if they can't even get payroll right then idk what to say

Title basically says it all. I havent been fired in my adult life outside of my very very first job so it really came as a shock! I had been there for less than a month but the past week I fell really ill with strep and had to stay home. Ended up going in on Monday and being fired because they think I'm not technically competent.

They also fucked up my payroll and wrote me a cheque that ended up getting my bank account frozen and I called them on the weekend in a panic which they probably didn't like either but hey if they can't even get payroll right then idk what to say

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