
just had to call in work bc my kids ill. cue the guilt and manipulation

I am SICK of my job already and I've only been there for 6 months. It's a small business, bar/restaurant kinda place. It's practically ran by children since the business owner has such a bad reputation in our town that adults just don't seem to want to work for her. She is to be frank fucking awful at running a business. It took me 5 minutes and a cig to mentally prepare to make the phonecall because I knew exactly what to expect. Being made to feel bad because she doesn't get to spend as much time with her children as she wants to. Don't open a fucking business then? Or be better at it so that staff are able to call in sick without it being the end of the world? Her children/business are her priority yes but they certainly aren't mine. But shit does she try to make…

I am SICK of my job already and I've only been there for 6 months. It's a small business, bar/restaurant kinda place. It's practically ran by children since the business owner has such a bad reputation in our town that adults just don't seem to want to work for her. She is to be frank fucking awful at running a business.

It took me 5 minutes and a cig to mentally prepare to make the phonecall because I knew exactly what to expect. Being made to feel bad because she doesn't get to spend as much time with her children as she wants to. Don't open a fucking business then? Or be better at it so that staff are able to call in sick without it being the end of the world? Her children/business are her priority yes but they certainly aren't mine. But shit does she try to make them our priority.

That's just how it works isn't it?? The business owner takes the brunt of the shit? If someone calls in sick and there's no one else to cover the shift then its the business owners problem. No one else's.

An 18yo tried handing in their notice the other day, they've been with the business for 3 years now. She's tried to leave before but within days the owner was calling her crying that she couldn't cope without them. I was at work listening to the voice notes, she sounded just like my emotionally abusive ex.

I'm fucking angry. I'm disgusted. I'm annoyed that I left one shitty job for another. I had an interview today that went really well and got another lined up. Technically I don't have to work a notice period since there were no contracts signed. I don't want to go back at all. I'm done with the place.

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