
Just heard my grandfather used to receive $800/mo for military disability in 1957. That’s $8,815/mo today.

My grandmother was complaining about how tight their finances were when she first got married in 1957. Her husband was receiving $800/mo with his disability pay and she was making about $600/mo working odd no-skill jobs. Mortgage was only $150/mo. In today's dollars, thats a household income of $15,400/mo or $185,000 annually.

My grandmother was complaining about how tight their finances were when she first got married in 1957. Her husband was receiving $800/mo with his disability pay and she was making about $600/mo working odd no-skill jobs. Mortgage was only $150/mo.

In today's dollars, thats a household income of $15,400/mo or $185,000 annually.

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