
Just heard super say the line

“NoBodY wAnTs tO WoRk aNyMoRe” We had 2 employees quit a week within each other and we haven't been able to fill both positions in months. I started here in January and they haven't had a “full” team since before I got here. Its not that this is a crap job – this is one of the easiest, most redundant positions I've had and it pays the most I've ever made, personally. The problem is, even though I'm making more than I have in the past ($20.00/hr) its still incredibly low for the cost of living in our city. We have an above-national average for cost of living and it's obviously only getting worse. What cracks me up is, our office is literally divided by tax brackets. The agents are on one side and they bring in six figures on average easily while us lowly admin are on another side,…

“NoBodY wAnTs tO WoRk aNyMoRe”

We had 2 employees quit a week within each other and we haven't been able to fill both positions in months. I started here in January and they haven't had a “full” team since before I got here.

Its not that this is a crap job – this is one of the easiest, most redundant positions I've had and it pays the most I've ever made, personally.

The problem is, even though I'm making more than I have in the past ($20.00/hr) its still incredibly low for the cost of living in our city. We have an above-national average for cost of living and it's obviously only getting worse.

What cracks me up is, our office is literally divided by tax brackets. The agents are on one side and they bring in six figures on average easily while us lowly admin are on another side, making below the city's median income.

Like … how about share some of the wealth in the office so you can attract more/better workers? It's really not that difficult of a concept to grasp.

I was literally looking for a second job that I might be able to work remotely while at my office to supplement my income when my supervisor said nobody wants to work anymore. The irony was nauseating.

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