
Just quit my job after 7 months with no notice.

Felt pretty dam good to let them know today was my last day. Fuck giving a two weeks notice. I just waited till the end of the day and told HR that it was my last day. Lady tried to guilt trip me into staying for 2 weeks but given that the last two people who put in their 2 weeks notice were told to just leave there was no way I was gonna bother with that. (long rant) This company sucked ass. They underpaid their workers and targeted minorities to work for them because they knew they could under pay them. 75% of the people working there were Vietnamese, and 20% were Mexican (they specifically advertised jobs in Vietnamese newspapers around the area) and would tell you if you wanted more money to go somewhere else. Literally, our HR lady during training told us, “This place isn't going to…

Felt pretty dam good to let them know today was my last day. Fuck giving a two weeks notice. I just waited till the end of the day and told HR that it was my last day. Lady tried to guilt trip me into staying for 2 weeks but given that the last two people who put in their 2 weeks notice were told to just leave there was no way I was gonna bother with that.

(long rant)

This company sucked ass. They underpaid their workers and targeted minorities to work for them because they knew they could under pay them. 75% of the people working there were Vietnamese, and 20% were Mexican (they specifically advertised jobs in Vietnamese newspapers around the area) and would tell you if you wanted more money to go somewhere else. Literally, our HR lady during training told us, “This place isn't going to pay you more. If you think you're worth more money, go someplace else.” I remember it was my 3rd day working there and when she said that I knew I needed to get out. My manager had a talk with me my second week and asked me what my goals with the company were and I told him I wanted to move into an engineering position and he said I would be next in line for that role because I had my degree. I remember him saying that “i should give a place 2 years and if after that you don't feel like you're going anywhere it's time to move on.” I remember thinking why would i waste two years of my life in a place i knew wasnt for me. Well in November I overheard some guy talking about how the manager wanted him to move into an engineer position. Not to hate but dude has zero background in anything to do engineering and was not cut out for that type of role. The only reason he was in line for that position was because his mom was also a manager. He never saw the nepotism in that and would constantly talk shit when people were asking for raises.

One of the guys that left was forced to do the job of two people after another guy quit and he asked for a raise, the other manager (guys mom) told him if he wanted to make that much he should get a job at McDonald's cuz they paid more. He ended up quitting a week after that and his position was never filled. They had one guy doing 3 people's jobs and when he asked for a raise they told him no. He ended up quitting 2 weeks later and his position still hasn't been filled. They started moving people around and “making due” without filling those positions, even asked me if I would be willing to help out in those roles and I told them no I was already being asked to do 3 different jobs with no talk about getting a raise. One of my coworker friends wasn't so lucky and he was forced to help in those areas. All this week he had been trying to talk to our manager to ask for a raise and the manager kept putting it off till today and all he got were empty promises about how “he was gonna look into” getting him a raise and that I was due to get a small raise as well. I just laughed and told my friend I didn't want shit from him since I was already leaving.

This place made a lot of money. We had contracts with spacex, blue origin, and other big space companies. Our department alone made over 2 million dollars last year. The owners just sold the place to a bigger national company so they could have easily afforded to give people raises to be more in line with other similar businesses in the area but nope. They wonder why they can't keep their younger workers everyone that has the option to leave always does.

Sorry for my long rant but I'm glad to be out of there.

TL;DR Fuck giving a two weeks notice and fuck wasting your time at a job that doesn't see your value. If you ever have the chance to leave for a better job, take it.

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