A friend of mine who I was talking to about this mentioned that I should make a post here, figured it'd be worth a shot. Apologies for formatting, on mobile.
So, at the moment I'm currently in college as a sophomore. The spring semester just ended and I figured I'd take a couple classes and get a part time job over the summer, make some money and all that.
After applying all over the place I got a job at Jimmy Johns as a delivery driver. During the interview I was more or less fast tracked (Didn't discuss hours, pay, aside from mentioning I can't work Wed/Thurs, I've got some social anxiety and was initially just happy to be hired)
During the interview I was told that I'd also be working in store when deliveries are slow, I figured that's fine, it makes sense.
Right off the bat, I get hired to work a 7 and a half hour shift, on the day that a class starts. Not inherently a problem, I can work with it, but we're also severely understaffed.
In the meantime I figure out that I'm making $14 an hour, plus tips, barely over minimum wage, no chance of discussion on the matter.
I am also, at this point, not given a schedule, just told by my manager when I'm working. This includes a Wednesday where I am told day of, 20 minutes before when they want me in, that I need to come in ASAP.
For my first week, I've been scheduled to close 5/7 days, and work 6/7 days. On top of this I have been doing the math on my pay based on an app the company uses to monitor pay, and it appears that I am being underpaid for my work.
My family has been reasonably compensating me while at college, I got a job because I wanted more spending money.
At this point I am strongly considering quitting, but I am worried that it will stain my record and make me unhirable in the future.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.