
Just stopped trying to be the best

I use to obsess over winning that promotion. Obsess over getting more money, but tbh money comes with a price. You sell your soul and your time for it. It’s not worth sacrificing your life to climb the corporate ladder or any ladder. I’m in the military (22M) and getting out bc everyone is obsessed with rank it’s gross to me. Just using my GI bill to get a bachelors degree real fast so i can have a decent life. Me and my wife decided we don’t care. We are both going to school and just want to make 70k each a year so we can live a comfortable life. I’m not slaving away for the system anymore. Fuck that promotion, fuck ranking up, fucking working over time, fuck working way harder just to make some money that ain’t even worth the workload. It’s all bullshit. I do the bare…

I use to obsess over winning that promotion. Obsess over getting more money, but tbh money comes with a price. You sell your soul and your time for it. It’s not worth sacrificing your life to climb the corporate ladder or any ladder. I’m in the military (22M) and getting out bc everyone is obsessed with rank it’s gross to me.

Just using my GI bill to get a bachelors degree real fast so i can have a decent life. Me and my wife decided we don’t care. We are both going to school and just want to make 70k each a year so we can live a comfortable life.

I’m not slaving away for the system anymore. Fuck that promotion, fuck ranking up, fucking working over time, fuck working way harder just to make some money that ain’t even worth the workload. It’s all bullshit. I do the bare minimum now bc even if i work hard they give me the bare minimum. The rich are getting richer and we are getting poorer. And they say just “ work hard “ fuck you! The system is rigged it’s all politics and grown men sucking the bosses dick.

I don’t suck up to the boss. I don’t worship him like everyone else. Money doesn’t mean shit. Just need enough to live a decent life. People are too shallow to ever understand that. That’s why we are all slaves in this system. It’s dog shit. They don’t care about us.

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