
Just told a coworker my dick was bigger than his – I’m a women.

So, I work in construction (and have heard it all! I’m not sensitive in any way). A coworker just tried to throw me under the bus and make it seem like it was because I’m too young and inexperienced. First off, I’m 37 with 10years immediate industry experience. 10 years as a marketing person (in construction), with MANY more years as a drywaller – I can even do crown mouldings! Buddy flips out that a dude messaged him and said I didn’t get back to him about a quote. When initially confronted, I said “ok, I’m confident I sent a quote to them but let’s check to be sure” but I had just got into the office and needed to open my computer still. In that time, maybe 15min, dude threw me under the bus and emailed our bosses to say I fucked up. As angry as I was, I…

So, I work in construction (and have heard it all! I’m not sensitive in any way). A coworker just tried to throw me under the bus and make it seem like it was because I’m too young and inexperienced.

First off, I’m 37 with 10years immediate industry experience. 10 years as a marketing person (in construction), with MANY more years as a drywaller – I can even do crown mouldings!

Buddy flips out that a dude messaged him and said I didn’t get back to him about a quote. When initially confronted, I said “ok, I’m confident I sent a quote to them but let’s check to be sure” but I had just got into the office and needed to open my computer still. In that time, maybe 15min, dude threw me under the bus and emailed our bosses to say I fucked up.

As angry as I was, I let it go (I’m putting in my notice next week). Today though, he came into my office and started raising his voice and screamed that I’m just a little girl and to learn my place. He went on about how I don’t need to be involved in his sales stuff and HE can tell me what HE thinks I need to know. I loudly argued every point. Every. Point.

Long story short, a colleague banged on my office wall to be quiet and I banged bang back .. because I will not be silenced. Oh our HR? Listening to the whole thing, he’s a spineless coward.

It ended with me saying “If I had a dick it would be bigger than you we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” I regret nothing and hold true to my statement!

Buddy has threatened to slam my head into door, throw bricks at my house and today threatened to “end” me if I sent more emails about a project to him. I think it’s important to point out I’ve gone to HR about this aggression before and was told “it’s industry standards.”

I’m currently an office hero with the biggest dick! Haha

Fuck accepting misogynistic crap!

Oh for the record, I had sent the quote that was in question.

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