
Just told off a toxic coworker

So I plan on leaving a company and there was toxic coworker that I finally told off today as she once again pissed me off with something today. She kept pushing my buttons and I finally messaged her some mean stuff and told her off. I’m happy I did it since she deserved it but has this ever back fired? Are they capable of sending the messages to my future employer? Theyre not a manager or anything just a peer.

So I plan on leaving a company and there was toxic coworker that I finally told off today as she once again pissed me off with something today. She kept pushing my buttons and I finally messaged her some mean stuff and told her off. I’m happy I did it since she deserved it but has this ever back fired? Are they capable of sending the messages to my future employer? Theyre not a manager or anything just a peer.

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