
Just want to make sure my info is correct before I cause a fuss…

So long story short I got covid. Wasn’t super bad, although I had to take the mandatory five days off of work for isolation. I don’t have much sick time accrued currently, so I only put in sick time for 3 of the 5 days. My regional manager (who is in charge of all sick time/pto approval) informed me that he won’t approve my sick time request unless I show him evidence of the positive covid result. Only problem is, I don’t have “evidence” so to speak, as I got the test at an urgent care and a day later they called me and told me it was positive, so I only knew through a phone call, no physical documentation. And even if I did have documentation, I feel like I shouldn’t have to prove anything to him. I mean I’ve been out of work for like a stomach virus…

So long story short I got covid. Wasn’t super bad, although I had to take the mandatory five days off of work for isolation. I don’t have much sick time accrued currently, so I only put in sick time for 3 of the 5 days. My regional manager (who is in charge of all sick time/pto approval) informed me that he won’t approve my sick time request unless I show him evidence of the positive covid result.

Only problem is, I don’t have “evidence” so to speak, as I got the test at an urgent care and a day later they called me and told me it was positive, so I only knew through a phone call, no physical documentation. And even if I did have documentation, I feel like I shouldn’t have to prove anything to him. I mean I’ve been out of work for like a stomach virus or something before, and they still let me use my pto on that without any “evidence”, so why should this be any different?

So I’m no expert on worker’s rights, but I tried doing a little research and from what I’ve seen it is not legal to require any medical documents for the sake of sick time in my state (AZ). Anybody know if I that is correct? Or have any relevant info to my situation?

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