
Just wanted to share a major win I’m realizing I had when I left my old job almost a year ago and started my new job.

At my old job I was stressed beyond belief. My health was tanking. I actually ended up with walking pneumonia and was STILL expected to come in. And I was a good girl who never missed a day of work. My BP was through the roof and I was so stressed my heart was actually having an arythymia. The doctor I saw was concerned I might be at risk of a heart attack and insisted on an ekg as my resting heartrate would go from normal to 130/140 for a few minutes and then back to normal. At the age of 29 with no underlying factors but the stress (weight okay, all blood tests okay.) I still worked. But then my pre-school aged, non-verbal autistic son caught the stomach flu. It was bad. I'm the only one who really understands his needs and can tell 'okay we'll stay home' or…

At my old job I was stressed beyond belief. My health was tanking. I actually ended up with walking pneumonia and was STILL expected to come in. And I was a good girl who never missed a day of work. My BP was through the roof and I was so stressed my heart was actually having an arythymia. The doctor I saw was concerned I might be at risk of a heart attack and insisted on an ekg as my resting heartrate would go from normal to 130/140 for a few minutes and then back to normal. At the age of 29 with no underlying factors but the stress (weight okay, all blood tests okay.) I still worked. But then my pre-school aged, non-verbal autistic son caught the stomach flu. It was bad. I'm the only one who really understands his needs and can tell 'okay we'll stay home' or 'okay off to the ER.' I requested ONE day off. The onlynon scheduled day off I'd taken in working with them a year, besides forced ones due to Covid Precautions. They decided to enact a policy change to make me come in on a day off (that was scheduled that way as my children had therapies all that day). I said I could do any other day, but not that one, but they insisted on it despite it already being full staffed. I came in and gave them my resignation. I worked only 3 more days because of how my schedule was (I had a scheduled vacation over Easter). If I'd gotten a single apology I would had changed my mind. But they didn't give me ONE. They even held a meeting during our busy period to try and guilt those of us leaving the toxic work environment.

I got a new job fairly quickly in a sister field. I'm mega over qualified for the job and took a bit of a pay cut BUT… My stress has now down to just the regular raising kids stress. If I need a day off I have it. Kids' daycare is closed? 'No problem sweetie, we got it covered.' As all of them are mommas who get it. Can't drive in dangerous weather? “It's alright.” Last minute appointment because an opening came up with a specialist, “Go for it. We got you.” No punishments, no threats, no guilting. And in exchange I pick up extra when I can, but they don't expect it. I just do it because I legit love my job. My body has basically bounced back from all the stress of my old job AND due to lower stress levels, I've even managed to lose weight finally, in a healthy manner. I get to do what I love in a manner that I love. And at least once a week we are thanked for doing our jobs and told we're amazing. I don't know why I settled for being treated like crap for so long.

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