
Just Worried On IBS and How it affects YOUR work life?

I haven’t been 100% been confirmed with IBS yet but the private GP I went to made the assumption that I do have IBS after pressing around my stomach and abdominal area, I had symptoms for the past 12 months or so as well (kinda put off going for a long time for some reason) Been treating it with Noxacid and Innerhealth Plus IBS Support recommended by doctor. You know the drill, Just constant stomach aches and pain throughout a day and night worse at a night preventing me from sleep then adding stress to “oh shit I’ve gotta get up for work” then having my mind just go on and on then just a lot then preventing me going to work with barely any sleep and a painful stomach. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had problems with not just work but also coming to a diagnosis, because…

I haven’t been 100% been confirmed with IBS yet but the private GP I went to made the assumption that I do have IBS after pressing around my stomach and abdominal area, I had symptoms for the past 12 months or so as well (kinda put off going for a long time for some reason)

Been treating it with Noxacid and Innerhealth Plus IBS Support recommended by doctor.
You know the drill, Just constant stomach aches and pain throughout a day and night worse at a night preventing me from sleep then adding stress to “oh shit I’ve gotta get up for work” then having my mind just go on and on then just a lot then preventing me going to work with barely any sleep and a painful stomach. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had problems with not just work but also coming to a diagnosis, because I’ve done multiple poo tests and blood tests and going in and out of GP’s getting medical certificates for work so they don’t fire me (but it seems like they’re getting fed up because i start at 8 in a morning and have to call up like a reasonable time before hand so they can at least attempt to get someone else in (which I don’t think they do but whatever) and I’m doing everything they’re telling me to do and I had a phone call earlier with my manager telling me that hr had spoke to him and they should consider dropping my position from permanent part time to casual or just straight up firing me, I do know they can’t just do that and if it were to happen I’d be capable of going on benefits or Centrelink or something like that. But still.

Just very stressed right now. Haven’t really got much money to be going to doctors just for the sake of a medical certificate (private practice makes you pay each time) when work already knows the issue as I keep them as updated as I am. I’m 19 as well so they probably just assume I’m a lying little party animal

I also asked my roster coordinator if I could go on my holidays just as soon as I can so I’ll feel like I’m not fucking their business over as well as help myself get physically and mentally better without worrying about work as well though. I know I shouldn’t even say that to myself. so a point right now where I asked to take some of my holidays just so I can get physically and mentally.

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