
Karen in my workplace.

It’s really annoying this Karen who is senior in other team stabs me in the back. So i have works need to be done usually prior 5 days ahead. I also have shipments that will need to be done like almost next month. And this Karen in the back stabbing me to the manager because she saw I didn’t work on the shipments like next month. This is so annoying that is non of her business as long as I get my stuffs done on time with quality. Fk these stupid people to mind their businesses. This time is not the employer, but the degenerated coworkers around you.

It’s really annoying this Karen who is senior in other team stabs me in the back. So i have works need to be done usually prior 5 days ahead. I also have shipments that will need to be done like almost next month. And this Karen in the back stabbing me to the manager because she saw I didn’t work on the shipments like next month.

This is so annoying that is non of her business as long as I get my stuffs done on time with quality.

Fk these stupid people to mind their businesses. This time is not the employer, but the degenerated coworkers around you.

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