
Keeping your head down doesn’t work.

It took time but I finally accepted it. When it's work never do any more than you absolutely have to, not 1 second or effort more. Because the only reward for going the 'extra mile' is getting their ass to kiss. Backstabbed then they wash their hands of you immediately. This is the expectation. It's sad because I like helping people but not the sadistic, vindictive, harsh, and those who delight in abusing power. Suck it.

It took time but I finally accepted it. When it's work never do any more than you absolutely have to, not 1 second or effort more. Because the only reward for going the 'extra mile' is getting their ass to kiss. Backstabbed then they wash their hands of you immediately. This is the expectation. It's sad because I like helping people but not the sadistic, vindictive, harsh, and those who delight in abusing power. Suck it.

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