
Knowing how your being played makes it harder to find a job

I left a job April of last year and have had 2 jobs totaling 3 months, some savings. I have declined moving forward in the hiring process for many jobs due to me simply not liking the person who interviews me, or just the environment. When I go to an interview to me it is how can they screw me over. I ask them buying questions such as, Describe the greatest asset here? How are you actively working to reduce any turnover? What qualities do you bring to a team? I ask these HR and managemnt people these questions, because it is a window into the lack of a better term culture in the company. It tells me how brainwashed or how ineffectual these people are and if I should even waste my time. I was at a job interview and after interview with HR I asked HR person some…

I left a job April of last year and have had 2 jobs totaling 3 months, some savings. I have declined moving forward in the hiring process for many jobs due to me simply not liking the person who interviews me, or just the environment. When I go to an interview to me it is how can they screw me over. I ask them buying questions such as, Describe the greatest asset here? How are you actively working to reduce any turnover? What qualities do you bring to a team? I ask these HR and managemnt people these questions, because it is a window into the lack of a better term culture in the company. It tells me how brainwashed or how ineffectual these people are and if I should even waste my time. I was at a job interview and after interview with HR I asked HR person some of these questions. Got everything but the obvious answers. She seemed a little unease. Interviewing with HR is a complete waste of time it’s one sided and you never get the feel if it is something YOU want to pursue rather them sizing the candidate up. When they get push back and buying questions they are unprepared, and often decide not to consider you as a candidate anymore. In short when you know how the system screws you, and exactly how it will screw you and how bad management and HR it makes it all that hard to find a job. American work culture is absolutely brainwashed, the higher you go up the ladder and more income you get the less connected with reality you are. Selling out to a title and a paycheck while selling lesser positions to people while having the consciousness that what is offered is inadequate to the standard of living, and being able to sleep at night.

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