
Korean Trucker Strikes.

I am an online English tutor. I talk with many Korean engineers. Two of my students that work at Hyundai as engineers and marketers have told me that because of the strikes they are being forced to work weekends and DRIVE the cars that would normally be loaded on trucks to be moved around. They are very unhappy at this but sadly their frustration is pointed towards the striking workers. I can't be too political because I am teaching them English but I told them they should be supporting the strikers because workers rights are good for them too.

I am an online English tutor. I talk with many Korean engineers. Two of my students that work at Hyundai as engineers and marketers have told me that because of the strikes they are being forced to work weekends and DRIVE the cars that would normally be loaded on trucks to be moved around. They are very unhappy at this but sadly their frustration is pointed towards the striking workers. I can't be too political because I am teaching them English but I told them they should be supporting the strikers because workers rights are good for them too.

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