
Labor and Retirement

I had a “discussion” with my right wing dad and brother last night about work. I made a comment about no one actually WANTING to work their whole lives, and they said something along the lines of “Oh really? Then why do people die shortly after retiring? Its because they have no purpose in life?” I realized that the discussion was fruitless, so I ended it there. I realize now what I should have said was “Maybe they died because they spent their whole lives laboring for no purpose” or “If you stop working and have no purpose, then you spent your life poorly”. Or any one of a million other things. But really, having that argument would have just ended in annoyance on both parts. They think I am a socialist, and my arguing with them wont actually change anything.

I had a “discussion” with my right wing dad and brother last night about work. I made a comment about no one actually WANTING to work their whole lives, and they said something along the lines of “Oh really? Then why do people die shortly after retiring? Its because they have no purpose in life?” I realized that the discussion was fruitless, so I ended it there. I realize now what I should have said was “Maybe they died because they spent their whole lives laboring for no purpose” or “If you stop working and have no purpose, then you spent your life poorly”. Or any one of a million other things.

But really, having that argument would have just ended in annoyance on both parts. They think I am a socialist, and my arguing with them wont actually change anything.

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