
Lack of compassion to young employees

When I was seventeen, I got my first job at a major department store. I was dutiful, took the train 30 minutes away, even catching the last train home around midnight. I did my best. That year my mom beat my younger sister. I remember crying so hard. I called into work for the first time. The manager on duty said, “how does this affect you.” When I told him I'm crying my eyes out and I don't know what's going to happen to my sister, he said, “I'm not going to accept this excuse anymore”. I was shocked. I worked that job a few more months then quit. No job lined up. I will say that any time after I applied for retail jobs it was usually a week before I got a call back. As my own daughter approaches this age and is looking at working,I encourage her…

When I was seventeen, I got my first job at a major department store. I was dutiful, took the train 30 minutes away, even catching the last train home around midnight. I did my best.
That year my mom beat my younger sister. I remember crying so hard. I called into work for the first time. The manager on duty said, “how does this affect you.” When I told him I'm crying my eyes out and I don't know what's going to happen to my sister, he said, “I'm not going to accept this excuse anymore”. I was shocked. I worked that job a few more months then quit. No job lined up. I will say that any time after I applied for retail jobs it was usually a week before I got a call back.

As my own daughter approaches this age and is looking at working,I encourage her to avoid major chains. I suggest the local ice cream store, the pool snack bar, things like that where I hope the managers will show compassion. I also emphasize that it's okay to leave a job that doesn't care about you. Especially retail. You will find another.

I don't know what can be done, compassion training for management? I think better managers realize that teens and new workers need some additional compassion and understanding.

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