
Laid off after being recently promoted & Months later company hiring new employees (CEO’s own brother) and I am still unemployed

Hello! I am new to this sub. Please let me know if this kinda post is alright. I just wanna complain about job hunting fatigue w/o vague posting on LinkedIn or anywhere else my former employe can see. Here is my story: I got hired for the company as a Admin, Operations assistant and social media manager. I had a manager who was main business operations lead that I would assist in tasks and do social media on the side. (I have degree in digital marketing field , no operations experience). I went through months of training than the operations manager got another job, but still helped with freelance for us a little. So for about 4 months, I took over about 90% of the operations tasks. I even got 2 raises and a promotion. I had not even been there 6 months when this all happened. However, the operations…

Hello! I am new to this sub. Please let me know if this kinda post is alright. I just wanna complain about job hunting fatigue w/o vague posting on LinkedIn or anywhere else my former employe can see.

Here is my story:

I got hired for the company as a Admin, Operations assistant and social media manager. I had a manager who was main business operations lead that I would assist in tasks and do social media on the side. (I have degree in digital marketing field , no operations experience). I went through months of training than the operations manager got another job, but still helped with freelance for us a little. So for about 4 months, I took over about 90% of the operations tasks. I even got 2 raises and a promotion. I had not even been there 6 months when this all happened. However, the operations manager came back full-time (i never asked why – none of my business) , and about a month later… I got laid off. The company had lost a big contract and my position was cut. This was in October. Now in February I see the company hiring 2 new employees – one is CEO’s brother- and being recognized in a top partners list for company they do work with.

Am I right to be angry?! I stayed and took the operations tasks while she was away. I worked really hard and my boss appreciated my work. But I was the first to be cut? I was given no severance. Not even a reference letter. I was 2 months shy of being there a year.

I have been job searching for 4 months and still unemployed. I am doing all I can – LinkedIn networking, career development programs, in person job fairs, getting my resume reviewed, taking interview training, using friends/family as references, appying to over 100 jobs, making it to multiple interviews; it is so exhausting and stressful.

TDLR- I got laid off after taking over managers tasks & being promoted because of lost contract & budget cuts. Company is now hiring more employees and getting accolades. I am still unemployed.

Sorry if I got too much complaining/ranting.

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