
Laid off & it has reinforced everything I hate about work culture

I was working at a job for the past few years and had progressed to the point where I was making pretty decent money. It had taken some time to get to that point. I liked the company and my coworkers and was comfortable there. Then a couple weeks ago at the end of the day I get pulled into a meeting and blindsided with a lay off. Didn’t see it coming at all. Now I’m looking for a new job. Which is one of the most frustrating processes known to man. Send application after application to not hear a thing. This whole process has just reminded me how much I hate work culture and working for someone else. I was self employed for a long period and a big part of that was due to how inept the places I had worked at were. Masterclasses in how NOT to…

I was working at a job for the past few years and had progressed to the point where I was making pretty decent money. It had taken some time to get to that point. I liked the company and my coworkers and was comfortable there.

Then a couple weeks ago at the end of the day I get pulled into a meeting and blindsided with a lay off. Didn’t see it coming at all.

Now I’m looking for a new job. Which is one of the most frustrating processes known to man. Send application after application to not hear a thing.

This whole process has just reminded me how much I hate work culture and working for someone else. I was self employed for a long period and a big part of that was due to how inept the places I had worked at were. Masterclasses in how NOT to run a business. Just got tired of it and left and did my own thing. But self employment can be very feast or famine and with a family to support I went back to a job for a consistent paycheck. And I guess the illusion of security. But there is no such thing as security at a job. As soon as they decide they don’t need you or you make too much……see ya! No warning, no notice, nothing. Just out of a job immediately with no way to plan for it. So frustrating!

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