
Landlord is charging me $3000 to end lease early even though they found someone else to rent my unit. I’m just not gonna pay because I found a new apartment. F*ck landlords.

Title. Don't let landlords bully you. They act as if they have such an important and fulfilling job. All they do is buy up land and make shitty buildings to then charge you more than mortgage payments for something you'll never own and keep you poor and control how you live. I'm paying my rent for my last month but not a cent more. This next apartment will be my last before I go to a house since all the houses here have down payments worth an entire family's household income so it's taking awhile to save up. The fact they can charge two months rent as a fee to really get the most money out of their tenants who are just leaving to a better place just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. They found someone else and raised rent yet they are still “losing money” by my…


Don't let landlords bully you. They act as if they have such an important and fulfilling job. All they do is buy up land and make shitty buildings to then charge you more than mortgage payments for something you'll never own and keep you poor and control how you live.

I'm paying my rent for my last month but not a cent more. This next apartment will be my last before I go to a house since all the houses here have down payments worth an entire family's household income so it's taking awhile to save up. The fact they can charge two months rent as a fee to really get the most money out of their tenants who are just leaving to a better place just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. They found someone else and raised rent yet they are still “losing money” by my leaving.

So sick of this greed of capitalism.

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