
Last day at my current job, reminded how much companies don’t care about you

Title says it all. I got a new position as an Assistant Manager at a different company, so I put in my two weeks at my job. I am currently a operations lead there, and have been there for almost 2 years. Every time someone that has been there for a long time, or a lead/supervisor/etc leaves, they usually get a going away cake, and we have a little get together to appreciate the work they've done. I've seen this countless of times, even when new people join as upper management, they get this treatment. I assumed this would also happen to me, as I have a great rapport with everyone at the store and frankly, I loved who I worked with. The day comes, and my last day isn't even listed on the lineup (usually on people's last day, it's listed with a frownie face on the lineup for…

Title says it all. I got a new position as an Assistant Manager at a different company, so I put in my two weeks at my job. I am currently a operations lead there, and have been there for almost 2 years.

Every time someone that has been there for a long time, or a lead/supervisor/etc leaves, they usually get a going away cake, and we have a little get together to appreciate the work they've done. I've seen this countless of times, even when new people join as upper management, they get this treatment. I assumed this would also happen to me, as I have a great rapport with everyone at the store and frankly, I loved who I worked with.

The day comes, and my last day isn't even listed on the lineup (usually on people's last day, it's listed with a frownie face on the lineup for the day). No one asks, only the few people who knew I was leaving gave me hugs.

No cake, no get together, even my GM came in for awhile and gave me the most shitty goodbye ever before he left for the day.

I always figured they didn't give a shit about me or my position, but this just cemented that for me. I'm not going to lie, I angry cried at least 2 times, mostly because I just felt like absolute garbage.

Oh well, onto greener pastures. They aren't worth my hardwork and effort anyways.

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