
last job hasn’t paid me in over a month.

well I'm broke as shit. I worked for an employer that was late with every check(pays in cash mind you) the time I spent there. before I ended up quitting the owner/bartender emailed us after all of us expressed our frustration not getting paid on time especially since some of us couldn't pay rent in time, he was telling us that he didn't have the money to pay the taxes on our checks and was essentially broke but if we could push through he would figure it out. at this point this was just another excuse, I ended up quitting and have a new job but ive been emailing him and no reply with the last check he owes me. Ive submitted a wage claim and havent heard anything either. any tips or recommendations to deal with this? I have everything in email regarding my last hours worked and everything…

well I'm broke as shit. I worked for an employer that was late with every check(pays in cash mind you) the time I spent there. before I ended up quitting the owner/bartender emailed us after all of us expressed our frustration not getting paid on time especially since some of us couldn't pay rent in time, he was telling us that he didn't have the money to pay the taxes on our checks and was essentially broke but if we could push through he would figure it out. at this point this was just another excuse, I ended up quitting and have a new job but ive been emailing him and no reply with the last check he owes me. Ive submitted a wage claim and havent heard anything either. any tips or recommendations to deal with this? I have everything in email regarding my last hours worked and everything he told us about how he wasn't paying the taxes on our checks essentially meaning we were getting paid under the table.

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