
Last paycheck.

My husband's job didn't pay him his last paycheck. We had a baby a little over a month ago and he needed a day off for an appointment. The next day when he got to work he was told to go home. That if he needed the money that bad he would've been there the day before. His employer has always been like that. If he's in a bad mood he'll go after anyone who's in his way that day. After that he started to look for a new job. Well he found one and left. He went to pick up his last check yesterday and was told it was sent out. They dont usually send out last checks. In fact they have previous employees checks still sitting there. His employer did it specifically to hurt him. We live paycheck to paycheck. Most of our bills were due yesterday and…

My husband's job didn't pay him his last paycheck.

We had a baby a little over a month ago and he needed a day off for an appointment. The next day when he got to work he was told to go home. That if he needed the money that bad he would've been there the day before. His employer has always been like that. If he's in a bad mood he'll go after anyone who's in his way that day. After that he started to look for a new job.

Well he found one and left. He went to pick up his last check yesterday and was told it was sent out. They dont usually send out last checks. In fact they have previous employees checks still sitting there. His employer did it specifically to hurt him. We live paycheck to paycheck. Most of our bills were due yesterday and are now not paid. Our electric is on a payment plan so now we're going to get a disconnection notice. We're low on food, diapers, dog food, and literally everything. We dont have enough of anything to last until his first paycheck. He also doesn't have gas money to get to work. We live in a super small area so we went to the post office to see if it was mailed. The person there said they don't have it and that this has happened before with that employer. If he doesnt like you your last check gets “lost” in the mail. If we don't get that check we're screwed.

We're both so beyond stressed. I just want to scream and cry. I don't know why I'm even posting this. I just needed to vent and let some frustration out. I don't have anyone else to talk to.

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