
Learning not to go above and beyond. I should’ve left back when we were understaffed

In I was hired in 2020, in 2021 idk why but pretty much everyone who started before me (except for one other person) quit one by one , were fired, or retired (including my trainer and a few managers) It’s a small local company to start (maybe 10 people is full staffed) but they literally left me, our boss, and one other person to hold down the fort. And you know what I felt guilty and stayed ;was very long hours/extra shifts, cutting breaks short, and even when we hired new people we still had to take the time to train them. I truly believe if I or my coworker had left this place would’ve been screwed, the boss doesn’t know any grunt work and sure there’s SOPs but you need to actually see how to do something not just read about it. When the smoke cleared we finally were…

In I was hired in 2020, in 2021 idk why but pretty much everyone who started before me (except for one other person) quit one by one , were fired, or retired (including my trainer and a few managers)

It’s a small local company to start (maybe 10 people is full staffed) but they literally left me, our boss, and one other person to hold down the fort. And you know what I felt guilty and stayed ;was very long hours/extra shifts, cutting breaks short, and even when we hired new people we still had to take the time to train them. I truly believe if I or my coworker had left this place would’ve been screwed, the boss doesn’t know any grunt work and sure there’s SOPs but you need to actually see how to do something not just read about it. When the smoke cleared we finally were fully staffed again in 2022 me and that coworker who saved this place got promoted to co-trainers and a really puny $2 raise

That boss who promoted and used to thank me retired. I just get these vibes that this new boss does not appreciate me

I show up everyday on time, literally only ever called out 2 days in 3 years, stay late, cover shifts…etc. Yet she acts like I do nothing.

I go to her when one specific new person is being rude to me and she says it’s probably the way I talk to them (funny cuz I trained other people who turned out ok). Someone is hours late and I ask her if she heard anything from them and she acts annoyed with me.

It sucks cause I’ve done so much for this job and lowkey care (even though I don’t get paid enough to). But this new boss is making not want to try or go the extra mile. Sometimes I wonder if I even want to be here anymore

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