
Leave of Absence

I usually don’t post on here but I need to vent about my job. Since last year, I had been studying for a difficult exam that I needed for my position but my supervisor had told me that they were no longer asking for the certification a couple of months ago and to not stress out about it. I had already taken it 3 times and all 3 times I failed it, no matter how hard I studied. I bought multiple study materials since the company was not providing any type of training. This past Monday, my supervisor told me that upper management was asking for me to pass the exam ASAP. I told her that it costs a week worths of paycheck to take the exam and I cannot afford to take it and that I also don’t have the mental capacity to do more work and also study…

I usually don’t post on here but I need to vent about my job. Since last year, I had been studying for a difficult exam that I needed for my position but my supervisor had told me that they were no longer asking for the certification a couple of months ago and to not stress out about it. I had already taken it 3 times and all 3 times I failed it, no matter how hard I studied. I bought multiple study materials since the company was not providing any type of training. This past Monday, my supervisor told me that upper management was asking for me to pass the exam ASAP. I told her that it costs a week worths of paycheck to take the exam and I cannot afford to take it and that I also don’t have the mental capacity to do more work and also study for the exam. I told my supervisor that I would be giving in my 2 weeks notice since I was being pressured to do so and also every time I failed the exam, my supervisor would tell me that I was going to be let go. I stood up to my supervisor and told her that I was no longer going to keep going through the same thing of being threatened to get fired. At that point she was trying to convince me to retake the exam but I want to find another job that has nothing to do with my current field and it is not worth it. The main reason why they suddenly started to push for the exam again was because they are finally interviewing to hire for the current vacancies that they have and I am replaceable. I understand that the exam was part of my job but I didn’t expect to not be able to pass it and I also didn’t expect to be overworked. This job has stressed me out to the point where I cannot take it anymore, my coworkers are burnt out as well. I decided to take a Leave of Absence (FMLA) so that I could temporarily go on short term disability while I find another job. I have never taken a break from work and I have never been so afraid of the unknown.

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