
Leaving after close to 5 years

I'm sure I already know the response to what I'm about to tell y'all. I'm a production manager at a very small company (6-7 people total including the business owner). I have steadily been taken advantage of over the years, as I have good work ethic and will always make sure the work gets done before I leave. Recently (about 6 months ago), the business owner gave me a wage increase, as well as a benefits increase, however it seems that anytime I take time off it is greeted with disgruntled behavior. I realize it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm a manager, and also that there is nobody to really take over the work when I go on vacation. When I was given my recent raise increase for my yearly review, The stipulation was that I would be salaried but if I were to accrue…

I'm sure I already know the response to what I'm about to tell y'all.

I'm a production manager at a very small company (6-7 people total including the business owner).

I have steadily been taken advantage of over the years, as I have good work ethic and will always make sure the work gets done before I leave. Recently (about 6 months ago), the business owner gave me a wage increase, as well as a benefits increase, however it seems that anytime I take time off it is greeted with disgruntled behavior. I realize it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm a manager, and also that there is nobody to really take over the work when I go on vacation.

When I was given my recent raise increase for my yearly review, The stipulation was that I would be salaried but if I were to accrue overtime it would be paid to me. This was a verbal offer and never written in paper.

Since that point I have been picking up a lot of slack around the job because we are quite understaffed/in the middle of hiring people. Guess what happened? I did end up with overtime and yet they did not pay me as had promised. I also been having health problems steadily over these last couple of years, and while they have been somewhat understanding, when I mentioned that I had a surgery date they said the right things but they acted upset and treated me badly.

I am going in next Tuesday when my work shift starts for the week and giving my two weeks notice. I do have better employment secured already. I have a feeling the notice is going to go extremely bad, as I am in the middle of having to train people that we should have hired about a month and a half ago.

Essentially it means that I will be 'abandoning' my position during a time when he needs me most, but I do not care anymore. It is hard because for the most part he is treated me well over the past years, but this is the last straw. I am somewhat expecting him to tell me to leave that day even though it would be a mistake on his part to not let me finish my two-week notice.

I guess I just need some insight and advice on what I do should he blow up at me when I give him my notice.

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