
Leaving job with 5 weeks of accrued pto at start of the year, can they pro-rate it?

There are 5.5 weeks given at the start of the year, and in the payroll it says it is all accrued. The employee handbook states that upon leaving the amount is pro-rated so I would get 10%… But i’m remote and illinois law suggest all “earned” pto has to be paid out. It seems like it was earned at the start of the year. Am I in the clear to get 5 weeks when I quit?

There are 5.5 weeks given at the start of the year, and in the payroll it says it is all accrued.

The employee handbook states that upon leaving the amount is pro-rated so I would get 10%…

But i’m remote and illinois law suggest all “earned” pto has to be paid out. It seems like it was earned at the start of the year. Am I in the clear to get 5 weeks when I quit?

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