
Leaving my job and moving

I work as a Production Artist/Graphic Designer for a company. It's a part-time job, the entire time that I was there I only worked 24 hours a week. I got this job in January of 2021, it's been an alright job but honestly, it's just an entry-level something to get me the experience to move on to a more Graphic Design intensive job later. In October, my husband got a job offer in Washington. We currently live in Wisconsin. As soon as they were talking about the position back in August (October was the official offer letter), I knew that even though this job would be easy to do as a remote position, they would never let me work remotely. I had already had to work in the office all through the entirety of my employment, and there was no chance in hell they would let me work remotely from…

I work as a Production Artist/Graphic Designer for a company. It's a part-time job, the entire time that I was there I only worked 24 hours a week. I got this job in January of 2021, it's been an alright job but honestly, it's just an entry-level something to get me the experience to move on to a more Graphic Design intensive job later.

In October, my husband got a job offer in Washington. We currently live in Wisconsin. As soon as they were talking about the position back in August (October was the official offer letter), I knew that even though this job would be easy to do as a remote position, they would never let me work remotely. I had already had to work in the office all through the entirety of my employment, and there was no chance in hell they would let me work remotely from a different state.

Monday, November 21st I gave my letter of resignation. My last day is December 5th and then we are starting our move from Wisconsin to Washington that Thursday or Friday. I kind of felt bad for giving my letter of resignation the day that I had. I had initially planned on letting them know of my resignation on November 16th which would have put my last day at November 30th, but I got a little bit spooked because we had not yet signed a lease for a new apartment in Washington. So I gave them my resignation letter a bit later than planned. But on the 17th, my boss pulled me into her office at about 4:30 pm to let me know that she was going to be reducing my hours, so I would be going from 24 hours/week to 16h/w. Then got really mad at me for not showing more emotion about it. So when I gave her my letter of resignation, she yelled at me “we still need you, just not as much as we did before” which doesn't make sense because there was a lot of time at that job where I wasn't doing anything anyway, they couldn't keep me busy. She didn't even open up my letter to read it, so once she calmed down I just yelled “I'm not resigning because of the reduced hours, I'm resigning because my husband got a job in Washington, and I know that you would never let me work remotely from a different state!” She was so embarrassed she didn't let me finish and shooed me out of her office right quick.

All in all, I am very glad to be leaving this mediocre job that I only saw as time and experience to be able to move up as a graphic designer. I barely even got any good portfolio pieces out of this because it is a Production kind of job so I didn't actually create anything new other than a new project that marketing/merchandising had planned and just needed an artist to make successful, and 1 catalog that I helped edit because it was 7 weeks behind schedule and they needed all hands on deck.

I already have had one company reach out to me in Washington expressing interest in me as a Graphic Designer. So I'm already hopeful for a new job when I move.

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