
Left my job because I found out my boss killed a man.

I've been conflicted about making this post because I'm worried about people I worked with figuring out who I am from context clues. What the fuck could they do though, realistically? I guess my former boss could murder me. Lol. I'll have to leave out a lot of detail to keep it vague, but my god the things I could show you guys. Some of it is hilarious and some of it is horrifying. How did I find out? Well it certainly wasn't disclosed to me prior to being hired. I found out from a coworker, while we were discussing how frankly unethical the working conditions were sometimes. He just drops the bomb: “You know (boss) murdered a guy right?” Of course I didn't fucking know that. He told me the story, told me to google our boss' name and look at the photos and read the articles. Thankfully I…

I've been conflicted about making this post because I'm worried about people I worked with figuring out who I am from context clues. What the fuck could they do though, realistically? I guess my former boss could murder me. Lol.

I'll have to leave out a lot of detail to keep it vague, but my god the things I could show you guys. Some of it is hilarious and some of it is horrifying.

How did I find out? Well it certainly wasn't disclosed to me prior to being hired. I found out from a coworker, while we were discussing how frankly unethical the working conditions were sometimes. He just drops the bomb: “You know (boss) murdered a guy right?” Of course I didn't fucking know that. He told me the story, told me to google our boss' name and look at the photos and read the articles. Thankfully I only had an hour left in the day and it was Friday, so I didn't have to work in complete shock for much longer. When I got home, I looked it up, and sure enough. The pictures were him. All the names matched up. I felt sick.

Long story short, he murdered a woman's husband because he was in love with the woman. He cut the body up and put the parts into bags (as described in a letter he wrote to a friend whom ALSO worked at the company), and disposed of them on the side of a highway. The body was never discovered. Of course he claimed self defense, but the details of the murder scream otherwise.

I thought I could stomach working for him for at least a month longer because he was hardly ever on site, but on Monday he texted me some unreasonable demand (as usual) and I saw red. I was so disgusted at the audacity of this man to ask for so much of his employees for so little in return. Plus, I know for a fact that there's no way my coworkers wouldn't have known about it, as some were friends with him prior to the crime. The fact that I was surrounded by people that “forgave” this man for what he did… I couldn't do it. I left work about an hour later and fired off a text stating that I would no longer be working for him, leaving out the fact that I found out he murdered a guy.

What also may be relevant to my disgust is that I was the only woman working at the place. Everyone else was a guy at least a decade older than me, but honestly they should be the ones feeling unsafe, seeing as he killed another man. Ha ha. Ha.

Anyway, I'm fairly certain this has negatively effected my motivation to be employed. I've had 0 desire to search for another job since then, because who the fuck knows what other employers could be hiding? I guess the lesson here is to google the names of your potential employers; if I had done that I probably never would have been faced with the crushing revelation bestowed upon me by a coworker that I hardly ever interacted with frequently. Bullshit that a potential employee has to disclose a previous felony, but an employer can be in a position of power over people without telling them anything.

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