
Left my job for a better one

I’ve been working construction since I graduated from school 9 years ago. I met what I considered a good fiend at the company I worked for and he left for another company because he got a supervisor role. Well when Covid hit the company I worked for laid a bunch of us off. My friend offered me a job and out of desperation I took it and now he was my boss. The job paid $30,000 a year with no benefits. No insurance no retirement no sick days no nothing and if you wanted to use your vacation days we only got 5 a year btw you weren’t allowed to take it from May to October as that was “our busiest time of the year”. Also weekends were mandatory I had off Tuesday and Wednesday and with a 6 year old son in school that sucked. I got a job…

I’ve been working construction since I graduated from school 9 years ago. I met what I considered a good fiend at the company I worked for and he left for another company because he got a supervisor role. Well when Covid hit the company I worked for laid a bunch of us off. My friend offered me a job and out of desperation I took it and now he was my boss. The job paid $30,000 a year with no benefits. No insurance no retirement no sick days no nothing and if you wanted to use your vacation days we only got 5 a year btw you weren’t allowed to take it from May to October as that was “our busiest time of the year”. Also weekends were mandatory I had off Tuesday and Wednesday and with a 6 year old son in school that sucked. I got a job offer to go work for a company for $49,000 a year health dental and vision insurance. Plus the best retirement funding I’ve ever had. If I stay long enough I can be retired in 25 years. Plus my 2 bosses I have now are some of the coolest guys I ever met and tell me to take my days off that I’ve built up that I’ve earned them and deserve to use them. But I did the respectful thing and put my 2 weeks in and my boss that was my “friend” is now still angry with me even though that was a year ago. Still won’t talk to me still won’t even acknowledge my existence if I see him in public. Never told me congratulations happy for you none of that. Just told me “I can’t believe your leaving” and “I can’t believe you’d do this to me”. Real great guy

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