
Left out

Idk if this is the right place but I need to vent. Everyone of my coworkers got a stocking that got hung up on the fireplace in the lobby with their names. Nobody told me anything about this and I didn't know until they just got hung up. I went and asked the manager for one and she said “I have to buy more” I told her I'm being left out and she just said “I don't have one either” like your the fkn manager wtf. Not to mention I've worked here for two years and they send me back and forth to each hotel whenever they feel like it. Like wtf.

Idk if this is the right place but I need to vent. Everyone of my coworkers got a stocking that got hung up on the fireplace in the lobby with their names. Nobody told me anything about this and I didn't know until they just got hung up. I went and asked the manager for one and she said “I have to buy more” I told her I'm being left out and she just said “I don't have one either” like your the fkn manager wtf. Not to mention I've worked here for two years and they send me back and forth to each hotel whenever they feel like it. Like wtf.

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