
Left waiting for 45 mins

So back in the yesteryear of 2009 I was talking to a girl who worked at Verizon wireless (vzw). I was working with a vendor who called on vzw retail stores and would see her and their managers quite regularly. At one point, she convinced me to submit an application to work for vzw b2b team out of their NYC offices. So we schedule an interview and I get suited up and make my way to work and the interview in the middle of my work day. I walk in, have a chat with the reps as usual, find a manager and let them know I'm here for an interview. She takes me a 2nd level office area where I am greeted and seated and told a manager will be with me shortly. So I'm sitting there in this sterile, empty office for some time, 10-15 mins all by myself.…

So back in the yesteryear of 2009 I was talking to a girl who worked at Verizon wireless (vzw). I was working with a vendor who called on vzw retail stores and would see her and their managers quite regularly. At one point, she convinced me to submit an application to work for vzw b2b team out of their NYC offices. So we schedule an interview and I get suited up and make my way to work and the interview in the middle of my work day.

I walk in, have a chat with the reps as usual, find a manager and let them know I'm here for an interview. She takes me a 2nd level office area where I am greeted and seated and told a manager will be with me shortly.

So I'm sitting there in this sterile, empty office for some time, 10-15 mins all by myself. After about 20 mins I ask if anyone is available as I have another appointment and need to go. I'm told someone will be with me shortly and to have a seat.

By now, over 30 mins have gone by, I'm starting to lose my patience so inquire again and am told again to wait! I get up and slowly walk down the stairs, and out the front door with my resting bitch face clearly showing.

About 2 hrs later I get a call from a random phone Number, which I send to VM. I listen to the message and it's vzw asking I can come back for interview, that the manager really wanted to talk to me due to my experience and background. Eventually my female friend calls to unload her anger at me for walking out of the interview. So I proceeded to walk her through the scenario and told her point blank that I won't have my time wasted by anyone for anything!! and that quite honestly my job at the time offered flexibility, better money and quite honestly the freedom to “build my market” and I'm not some genius retail worker being shafted by Verizon for their commission money. so quite honestly I don't need your shitty fuckin job!!!

no! fuckin! way! will I waste my time! or have it wasted by some middle management flunkies who couldn't coordinate 1 fucking meeting btwn 2 people!!!

so yah, that's how Verizon wasted my time and I told em to fuck off nicely.

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