
Legal or not legal?

I recently applied for a job through a recruitment agency, getting paid £10.80 an hour, they send me off to work at another company who aren’t my “bosses” but they pretty much are by all but title. So while at work today I was talking to my “boss” who explained if I stay on for the 6 months contract with agency then they’ll offer me full time work for base pay, I said, so £10.80? He replied saying no, their base pay is between £13 and £14 depending on which role I decide to pick. (This is what I want to know is legal or not) He explained that the company pays base pay to the agency but then the agency take whatever I haven’t been getting. So, they’ve been taking £2.20-£3.20 per hour I work. I spoke with friends about it they think it seems dodgy/illegal. I am doubtful…

I recently applied for a job through a recruitment agency, getting paid £10.80 an hour, they send me off to work at another company who aren’t my “bosses” but they pretty much are by all but title. So while at work today I was talking to my “boss” who explained if I stay on for the 6 months contract with agency then they’ll offer me full time work for base pay, I said, so £10.80? He replied saying no, their base pay is between £13 and £14 depending on which role I decide to pick. (This is what I want to know is legal or not) He explained that the company pays base pay to the agency but then the agency take whatever I haven’t been getting. So, they’ve been taking £2.20-£3.20 per hour I work.

I spoke with friends about it they think it seems dodgy/illegal. I am doubtful it’s illegal but it is a bit dodgy.

People at work said I’m a dumbass for applying with agency and not directly to the company since I would have been on base pay immediately. Wish I knew then what I know now.

Should probably mention if not already obvious this is the UK, just realised this isn’t a UK only sub.

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