
Legal to withhold pay for non-attendance for surgery?

So, as the title says… my colleague has anxiety, she clashes terribly with my boss, think old-school misogynistic alpha male / mid-level sales manager, and he moved the 'team meeting' twice. She works remotely and has already changed the time for her day surgery to accommodate her. She sent him an email stating she won't be able to attend, explaining she has already rescheduled. He threatened to withhold her pay if she doesn't attend. Now, this isn't some necessary thing, it's just a team meeting. Easily accomplished via Zoom if required. There are two of our sales team that work remotely on the other side of the state. I'm curious – isn't that illegal?? Thanks for your help.

So, as the title says… my colleague has anxiety, she clashes terribly with my boss, think old-school misogynistic alpha male / mid-level sales manager, and he moved the 'team meeting' twice. She works remotely and has already changed the time for her day surgery to accommodate her. She sent him an email stating she won't be able to attend, explaining she has already rescheduled. He threatened to withhold her pay if she doesn't attend.

Now, this isn't some necessary thing, it's just a team meeting. Easily accomplished via Zoom if required. There are two of our sales team that work remotely on the other side of the state.

I'm curious – isn't that illegal?? Thanks for your help.

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