
Legality of mandatory whatapp/messenger etc on personal phone for job

Hello all. My partner and I were discussing her works “requirement” to have WhatsApp on her phone because that is the sole way they communicate to all the employees. It came up that one employee was unable to download WhatsApp on their phone and my partner overheard the manager telling the employee to get a new phone. It seems to me like they could just text, and my thinking is that anytime spent fielding work related messages, emails, etc should be billable time. What’s the general consensus regarding this? TIA

Hello all. My partner and I were discussing her works “requirement” to have WhatsApp on her phone because that is the sole way they communicate to all the employees. It came up that one employee was unable to download WhatsApp on their phone and my partner overheard the manager telling the employee to get a new phone. It seems to me like they could just text, and my thinking is that anytime spent fielding work related messages, emails, etc should be billable time. What’s the general consensus regarding this? TIA

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