
legality question- work meeting today

Today in a work meeting/group trivia type competition activity, the person in management leading the meeting demanded that we use our personal cell phones to email in our answers to them at their work email address using our personal email addresses. Thankfully I had left my phone in my office. They even pressured us those of us without our phones to walk all the way back to our offices to bring back our phones so we could use them, but I stayed put along with everyone else who didn't have theirs, so then we all got chastised for not having our phones on us to participate, even though there had been no directive to bring our phones ahead of time. Which is ironic because at other times during work we're not supposed to use our phones. I found it really unsettling that they wanted us to use our personal devices…

Today in a work meeting/group trivia type competition activity, the person in management leading the meeting demanded that we use our personal cell phones to email in our answers to them at their work email address using our personal email addresses. Thankfully I had left my phone in my office. They even pressured us those of us without our phones to walk all the way back to our offices to bring back our phones so we could use them, but I stayed put along with everyone else who didn't have theirs, so then we all got chastised for not having our phones on us to participate, even though there had been no directive to bring our phones ahead of time. Which is ironic because at other times during work we're not supposed to use our phones. I found it really unsettling that they wanted us to use our personal devices and personal email for a work activity and literally compelled us to do so. Where the meeting room was there was no reception, either, except, minimally, by the window, and when those few who had their phones couldn't get reception to access the internet or their emails, those conducting the meeting told them to go stand by the window to do it. It was just super awkward and cringey, and many of us were very uncomfortable. Is it legal for them to demand that we use our personal devices for work as well as share our personal email address with the person in management who was leading the meeting? Maybe I am blowing this out of proportion, but the whole thing felt odd and uncomfortable.

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