
Legitimate question on socialism/communism.

I’m asking this as someone who truly doesn’t understand, and I’m hoping to get legitimate answers and not just called a troll, downvoted to hell and back, etc. I’m just here hoping someone more knowledgable than me can help me understand. So the most upvoted comment on a post earlier about how Covid was handled said: What grinds my gears was “essential” workers were paid less to risk their lives than unemployment was paying. And that most jobs somehow weaseled into “essential”. I fully agree with this view (as did many, obviously). It’s insane that the people risking their lives, working crazy hours, and in the case of the medical field having a tangible impact on saving lives were being paid less than people sitting at home. That brings me to my question. What systems/policies would socialism or communism have in place that prevent this? How would we keep producing…

I’m asking this as someone who truly doesn’t understand, and I’m hoping to get legitimate answers and not just called a troll, downvoted to hell and back, etc. I’m just here hoping someone more knowledgable than me can help me understand.

So the most upvoted comment on a post earlier about how Covid was handled said:

What grinds my gears was “essential” workers were paid less to risk their lives than unemployment was paying. And that most jobs somehow weaseled into “essential”.

I fully agree with this view (as did many, obviously). It’s insane that the people risking their lives, working crazy hours, and in the case of the medical field having a tangible impact on saving lives were being paid less than people sitting at home.

That brings me to my question. What systems/policies would socialism or communism have in place that prevent this? How would we keep producing food for everyone if there was no incentive to slave away on a farm vs staying inside in the air conditioning? How would we encourage people to go to school for a decade to be doctors if they would be compensated the same as someone who didn’t spend 100+ hours a week studying through med school and instead (insert less demanding job here)? I’ve been scratching my head trying to figure it out, and I can’t see how in a completely even outcome system we’d incentivize people to make insane sacrifices that they’ll get literally no personal gain from (which is human nature to expect some return on effort/investment). Someone please help me to understand.

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