

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade… ever hear that expression? Well, more and more I think I am the lemon, idk if it's a shared feeling, but when you are pushed and pushed to go above and beyond in a workplace that pays you shit, and makes you feel as such after every long day. You kinda end up feeling like the lemon. The people in ultimate power see the workforce as lemons. All ultimately useless, unless we get every drop out of them. Remember were lemons, they would rather have perfect oranges anyway, so they gonna squeeze everything out of you.

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade… ever hear that expression? Well, more and more I think I am the lemon, idk if it's a shared feeling, but when you are pushed and pushed to go above and beyond in a workplace that pays you shit, and makes you feel as such after every long day. You kinda end up feeling like the lemon. The people in ultimate power see the workforce as lemons. All ultimately useless, unless we get every drop out of them. Remember were lemons, they would rather have perfect oranges anyway, so they gonna squeeze everything out of you.

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