
Lesson Learned from Nightmare Teenage Job

When I was 18 and the summer before college, I started a job at a brick and block factory (Bay City, MI). Part of my job was custom cutting cinder blocks on a 24″ diamond saw. Gloves, masks and goggles were a must, but you had to provide your own. The reception desk would sell them if you forgot. This was curious to me until the 2nd week. On Monday, a mini bus of guys walked in and the manager/owner barked at them like a Drill Sargent. The group were on prison work release from a halfway house. They were paid so little that the use of safety supplies outspent take home pay. A month later, I clocked in at the office. The manager/owner walked aggressively towards me and yelled to ” take that f*cking ear ring out”. He was nearly chest to chest, red in the face, and smelled…

When I was 18 and the summer before college, I started a job at a brick and block factory (Bay City, MI). Part of my job was custom cutting cinder blocks on a 24″ diamond saw. Gloves, masks and goggles were a must, but you had to provide your own. The reception desk would sell them if you forgot. This was curious to me until the 2nd week.

On Monday, a mini bus of guys walked in and the manager/owner barked at them like a Drill Sargent. The group were on prison work release from a halfway house. They were paid so little that the use of safety supplies outspent take home pay.

A month later, I clocked in at the office. The manager/owner walked aggressively towards me and yelled to ” take that f*cking ear ring out”. He was nearly chest to chest, red in the face, and smelled of copenhagen. I turned to walk away, and he grabbed my shoulder and said “right now”. He started to reach toward my ear. I froze initially, then instinctively pushed his hand away. He said, “oh, you wanna go”. All I could muster was “fuck you old man” and walked out.

The sales manager at the place was a family friend. He called me the next day and said the manager/owner thought I was one of the work release crew and gave a weak apology, hoping I would return. And he said I could keep the ear ring.

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