
let go from a job I had for a month

I started work at a car mirror factory toward the end of August making 17/hr. Today is my 4th or 5th week there. By the end of my first week I started getting confident in what I was doing and made the mistake of busting ass. On Tuesday of the second week my supervisor came and had a “talk” with me basically asking me why I couldn't be as fast as I was last Friday all the time. mind you I'm a bit overweight, I don't always sleep well, and I'm at work 8.5hours a day, plus prep time, plus commute. Fuck it though I'm not much of a fighter an I need a paycheck so what could I say but “I'll try harder” At this factory there is an expectation that you make like 70-90 parts an hour. They wanted me to move literally constantly, and if I wasn't…

I started work at a car mirror factory toward the end of August making 17/hr. Today is my 4th or 5th week there. By the end of my first week I started getting confident in what I was doing and made the mistake of busting ass.

On Tuesday of the second week my supervisor came and had a “talk” with me basically asking me why I couldn't be as fast as I was last Friday all the time. mind you I'm a bit overweight, I don't always sleep well, and I'm at work 8.5hours a day, plus prep time, plus commute. Fuck it though I'm not much of a fighter an I need a paycheck so what could I say but “I'll try harder”

At this factory there is an expectation that you make like 70-90 parts an hour. They wanted me to move literally constantly, and if I wasn't doing my own job and someone else's I wasn't moving fast enough. The line I worked on was long but it wasn't 2 people wide and they had 6 of us crammed in there running back and forth across the line to do each other's jobs.

It didn't even matter whether we got 98% of the part count for the day or 100%. Other lines were missing count by like 50+ parts for the day. They singled me out because I'm new, watched every mistake I made, let me spend 4 weeks believing I was doing well, and then today, fired me with no notice.

Once i overheard their retention was 300 out of 1500 new hires

Also they hired my replacement before I even left

Also I have 0 financial security and will be absolutely fucked unless I find a job immediately, so yeah :')

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