
Let’s all cry

Let's all cry to the internet about how much we hate ours jobs. It is entirely to difficult to find a “job” that doesn't expect me to do something in exchange for money. It's not like every company is hiring leaving thousands of options available, and it's is impossible to start your own business instead of working for someone else. Like I mean impossible, you have to file a few papers and come up with an idea and some sort of product. Why bother attempting to fix our owns lives when we can cry about it on the internet.

Let's all cry to the internet about how much we hate ours jobs. It is entirely to difficult to find a “job” that doesn't expect me to do something in exchange for money. It's not like every company is hiring leaving thousands of options available, and it's is impossible to start your own business instead of working for someone else. Like I mean impossible, you have to file a few papers and come up with an idea and some sort of product. Why bother attempting to fix our owns lives when we can cry about it on the internet.

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