
Let’s Boycott High Gas Prices

We all know fuel companies are artificially price gouging and blaming recent world events. What if we all stopped driving or drive as little as possible until they come back down? We should be thinking about alternatives for the future anyway. I know most people would say bUt WhAt AbOuT tHeIr JoBs. But seriously they under pay us already, now they except us to buy $5 gas to to it?! Enough is enough. May day is coming up too!

We all know fuel companies are artificially price gouging and blaming recent world events. What if we all stopped driving or drive as little as possible until they come back down? We should be thinking about alternatives for the future anyway. I know most people would say bUt WhAt AbOuT tHeIr JoBs. But seriously they under pay us already, now they except us to buy $5 gas to to it?! Enough is enough. May day is coming up too!

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