
Let’s Face It: Things will only get worse from here.

With politicians and corporations either ignoring the real needs of the vulnerable and critical like laborers, teachers, nurses, etc. or flat out attacking their rights and taking more and more from them to feed their greed, I predict next 10-20 years of misery for younger generations to come, at minimum. At least we got all this entertainment and consumerism to distract ourselves with, we’ll need it since we have no way of living a real life outside our wage cage. All ideas to fix things are shut down since the people hurting are too distracted and reliant on their paychecks to rise up (which is by design) or new proposals are called “socialist” or “entitled” while the rich are the real ones being taken care of by the government or getting special treatment. Any ideas at all my fellow modern servants who will soon be thrown out like trash due…

With politicians and corporations either ignoring the real needs of the vulnerable and critical like laborers, teachers, nurses, etc. or flat out attacking their rights and taking more and more from them to feed their greed, I predict next 10-20 years of misery for younger generations to come, at minimum.

At least we got all this entertainment and consumerism to distract ourselves with, we’ll need it since we have no way of living a real life outside our wage cage.

All ideas to fix things are shut down since the people hurting are too distracted and reliant on their paychecks to rise up (which is by design) or new proposals are called “socialist” or “entitled” while the rich are the real ones being taken care of by the government or getting special treatment.

Any ideas at all my fellow modern servants who will soon be thrown out like trash due to AI: any ideas at all?

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